Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cash Poor Stops Now

Cash Poor Stops Now

Let me ask a few what if's:

"What if your stock portfolio crashed ... "
"What if you lost your job ... "
"What if your savings were running out ... "

If you have experienced any of the above then being "cash poor stops now" may already be screaming at you consciously or unconsciously.

You know, Wallace Wattles wrote a book called The Science of Getting Rich. He wrote it just over 100 years ago. Although he doesn't talk specifically about what to do to get rich, he does clearly define the "how to" get rich.

It all comes down to doing things, as he says "in a certain way". Find that certain way and just keep repeating it over and over again. Now I know that sounds too simple, but think about it. All the most successful people do things in that "certain way". Sure they may have struggled to find that certain way, but when they did, they just kept repeating it. And that becomes the success model. Find that certain way, and simply keep repeating it. Now stay with me here.

It doesn't matter what you are trying to fix, the formula stays the same! Example: The diet that finally works, you'll stick with it right? Why? Because that certain way brings the weight loss results you want. Just like buying stocks in a certain way that keeps getting positive results, are you likely to change the pattern? Probably not. Why? Because that "certain way" brings measurable financial success, so why fool with a good thing.

Do you think Tiger Woods is changing something that works for him? Absolutely not! Why? Because he has seen the results and so have we! He's a terrific example of how doing things repeatedly in a certain way brings great results over and over again.

If you are at the stage in your life where you are hearing that little voice saying being cash poor stops now, then I think you are very close to a solution. A solution, done a certain way, that will bring positive results.

Your "cash poor stops now" call to action is a move outside your have-not mind set, and into a new sense of abundance. Not next week or tomorrow, but starting right now. Why? Because today is already yesterday's tomorrow! And to borrow a line from John Legend "The future started yesterday and we're already late".

If you are a fan of Robert Kiyosaki's Cash Quadrant thinking, then I think you will really appreciate how multiple streams of income will address that cash poor feeling you have right now.

Stop relying on a job to save you, and start relying on yourself. Why? Because every good thing you do will come back to you directly, instead of the company that only pays you a wage. It's time to pay yourself what you are really worth!

Here Is An Easy System To Stop Being Cash poor:

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